Category: Country

India (Part 3)

50 Amazing Facts about India | Amazing Facts 4U India at one point in time was amazingly the highest-taxed nation in the world. Under the Emergency and  Poverty removal …

India (Part 2)

50 Amazing Facts about India | Amazing Facts 4U The Somnath Temple located on the western coast of Gujarat, India, is one of the twelve sacred shrines of the …

India (Part 1)

50 Amazing Facts about India | Amazing Facts 4U India is the World’s largest democracy. It is the seventh-largest and the second most populated country in the World. India …


86 Amazing Facts about various Country that will surprise you | Amazing Facts 4U Amazingly paper bags are outlawed in grocery stores in Afghanistan. They believe paper is sacred. …


40 Amazing Facts About Flags of Nations  | Amazing Facts 4U United States flag has 13 stripes for the thirteen original colonies and one star for every state. Amazingly stars …


75 Amazing Facts that will surprise you About USA | Amazing Facts 4U The word “America” comes from the European explorer “Amerigo Vespucci. Amazingly at their closest point, the Russian …