Category: Facts

Global Warming

35 Amazing and Interesting Facts about Global Warming | Amazing Facts 4U Global warming is the increase in the earth’s average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. …

Amazing Facts

15 Amazing Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Alan Stacey, a Formula One driver was killed when a bird flew into his face in 1960. Amazing Fact is The US Navy still …

Exciting Facts

15 Exciting Facts | Amazing Facts 4U From 1946 to 1948, nearly 700 Guatemalans were deliberately infected by American doctors to study the effects of venereal disease. The US didn’t formally …

Delightful Facts

15 Delightful Facts | Amazing Facts 4U U.S. President James Buchanan regularly used to buy slaves in Washington, D.C. and quietly freed them in Pennsylvania. North Korea uses a fax machine …

Fascinating Facts

15 Fascinating Facts | Amazing Facts 4U In North Korea, amazingly the citizen is forced to choose one of 28 government-approved haircuts. In the ancient Persian Empire, men used to …

Captivating Facts

15 Captivating Facts | Amazing Facts 4U Captivating Facts is The asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs was powerful enough to send Earth rocks to Mars. A specific species of fruit …